Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thoughts on Doing It... By Melvin Burgess

First off, I really think that this book would make a great TV Show.  I liked that it was in the perspective of boy/men.  Besides the obvious of focusing on doing it (and for those that don't know- "it" is sex) -it really also demonstrates the insecurities of boys becoming men.  For Dino he realizes he is not untouchable. Ben decides what he wants and acts upon it and shows strength by saying "No" in a sticky situation, or at least saying "No" in his own way.  Jon dates a girl with everyone's disapproval (or at least that's what he percieves).  All in all, this was a juicy read.  I love gossip and this book was full of it. 

P.S. I added all the covers I could find for your viewing pleasure.